Determining the amount of harvestable forage in rangelands Volum one Semi - Steppic and High Mountains Rangelands of Iran

Written by: Mohammad Fayaz and Mina Bayat
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
243 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

One of the main uses of pasture is currently producing forage for domestic and wild animals. The importance of rangelands in groundwater feeding, erosion prevention, wildlife habitat is clearly, but in Iran, rangelands are more important than forage production. One of the most important problems of rangelands is the non-regular exploitation of their power and their inaccurate and inappropriate exploitation has caused excessive destruction of rangelands. The present book attempts to determine the amount of forage that can be harvested and to reduce its undue destruction.

Author About:

Name: Mohammad Fayaz Scientific Certificate: Ms.c. in Natural Resources-Rangeland Scientific degree: Assistant Professor in Rangeland Field of interests: Rangeland ecology, breeding and rangeland development

Publisher Name:Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

Address:Tehran: km; Tehran - Karaj Freeway, Peykanshahr exit, st. Cedar Azad, Iran National Botanical Garden Boulevard



ManagingDirector:Adel Jalili

Languages we correspond in: English
