Allowable Use of the Dominant Species in Steppe and Desert Range Lands of Iran

Written by: Farhang Ghasriani and Mina Bayat
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
141 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Livestock and pasture in natural ecosystems are always interacting with each other and as long as the livestock population in each ecosystem is proportional to its capacity, its valuable resources such as soil, water and plants are not damaged. Rangeland exploitation and their maintenance is required efficient planning and management. Determining allowable use of the dominant species and key species is one of the most essential tasks of rangeland management and breeding. The purpose of this book is to determine allowable use of the dominant species in steppe and desert rangelands of Iran.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

Address:Tehran: km; Tehran - Karaj Freeway, Peykanshahr exit, st. Cedar Azad, Iran National Botanical Garden Boulevard



ManagingDirector:Adel Jalili

Languages we correspond in: English
