The Valley of the Walking Dead

Written by: maryam azizi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofoqco Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
216 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

In the aftermath of Nafasheh and Hamin’s death, the entire Prairie, and also Mandana and Narima, believe Kianick is the real murderer. The unity of four heroes of Parsua is lost forever, after Banafsheh’s death and their betrayals towards each other. Kianick runs away and the whole Prairie turn their backs to the remaining members. Nariman loses his mind over the loss of Banafsheh and Mandana, all her hopes. She builds a purple room in the graveyard for herself and forms the Masked Hopeless group. She turns against all the hope and good in the world and becomes a true nihilist. The Parsua Prairie has sunken under a cloud of despair and pain. People once again turn to Shargon. They paint his portrait on the walls and mention good things about him. However, Mandana is saved by Horn and Razian and tries to figure out the mystery of Banafsheh’s death and collapse of Unity of Four. She finds out about Shargon’s only weakness, with the help of Razian. She understands that Kianick was not the killer, but it was Fox’s fault. In the course of the Book, mandana and Kianick go to fight Shargon once and for all and save Parsua from eternal darkness.

Author About:

In the aftermath of Nafasheh and Hamin’s death, the entire Prairie, and also Mandana and Narima, believe Kianick is the real murderer. The unity of four heroes of Parsua is lost forever, after Banafsheh’s death and their betrayals towards each other. Kianick runs away and the whole Prairie turn their backs to the remaining members. Nariman loses his mind over the loss of Banafsheh and Mandana, all her hopes. She builds a purple room in the graveyard for herself and forms the Masked Hopeless group. She turns against all the hope and good in the world and becomes a true nihilist. The Parsua Prairie has sunken under a cloud of despair and pain. People once again turn to Shargon. They paint his portrait on the walls and mention good things about him. However, Mandana is saved by Horn and Razian and tries to figure out the mystery of Banafsheh’s death and collapse of Unity of Four. She finds out about Shargon’s only weakness, with the help of Razian. She understands that Kianick was not the killer, but it was Fox’s fault. In the course of the Book, mandana and Kianick go to fight Shargon once and for all and save Parsua from eternal darkness.

Publisher Name:Ofoqco Publication

Address:No. 183, Shahid Nazari Ave., Farvardin Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Reza Hashemi Nejad

Languages we correspond in: English
