The destiny of the dictator

Written by: hadi moyarinezhad
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Hila
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
112 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The destiny of the dictator of Germany has always been one of the mysterious histories of the world. There are some theories and documentaries about him and the Second World War. This novel is an enigmatic history that is based on the assumption that Hitler was alive after the World War Π. It tells that Hitler did not commit suicide and was secretly transported to Iran by Russians after the end of the war. An Iranian old man decides to tell his big secret to his grandchild. The secret is “he had seen Hitler in north district of Iran and had killed him”. But his grandchild does not believe it. So, he tries to discover the truth …

Author About:

The destiny of the dictator of Germany has always been one of the mysterious histories of the world. There are some theories and documentaries about him and the Second World War. This novel is an enigmatic history that is based on the assumption that Hitler was alive after the World War Π. It tells that Hitler did not commit suicide and was secretly transported to Iran by Russians after the end of the war. An Iranian old man decides to tell his big secret to his grandchild. The secret is “he had seen Hitler in north district of Iran and had killed him”. But his grandchild does not believe it. So, he tries to discover the truth …

Publisher Name:Hila

Address:No. 111, Shohadaye Gendarmerie Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:mohamad hoseynzadegan

Languages we correspond in: English
