berzah ama cennet

Written by: Nazi Safavi
Illustrated by: none
Publisher: Grant Programme of Translation and Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2003
171 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Trauma and psychological struggle of a woman trying to get a divorce Sadly ending the marriage of a woman trying to find peace in her nest with her husband… Returning to the patriarchate as a divorced woman…. trying to hold on to life and psychological struggles… While the book gives the impression of an ordinary tragedy story, it is more psychological.

Author About:

Nazi Safavi was born in 1967. Her novels mostly concern women battling tradition and modernity in Iranian society. Her novel Hallway to Paradise is a best-seller in Iran. It was first published in 1999 and has been reprinted 47 times with over 250,000 copies sold to date. Purgatory, Yet Heaven is her other novel

Publisher Name:Grant Programme of Translation and Publication

Address:Tehran- Haft tir Sq., GHaem Magham St., Fakhr Street, no 7, 1st floor




Languages we correspond in: English
