Muslim Florist (Collected Poems)

Written by: Majid Sadabadi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Shahrestan Adab
Category: Literature
Year: 2013
88 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

“Muslim Florist” is the collected poems of Majid Sadabadi composed in blank verse with the subject of Islam and Muslims. Though the personal approach of the poet is influenced by Shia culture, the poems are addressing the whole world of Islam and there is no sign of religious differences or attention. The poems reflects the attitudes of the poet about the Holy Defense and other wars in Middle East and Muslim countries. The 60 Poems of the book have no title and are arranged respectively in number order. Sadabadi experience in India and companion with literary circles there, is seen in the book. Muslim Florist has won the prize of 2nd Shahid Avini Literary Award and was among the final candidates of Golden Pen in 2015.The book was published by Shahrestan Adab Art and Culture Institute in 2014.

Author About:

Majid Sadabadi, 1983- Majid Sadabadi is an Iranian contemporary poet, who has published many books with the theme of religious, ritual and social issues. The intimate, simple and popular literature has made the poet’s works among the bestsellers. In Sadabadi poems one may not see complicated figurative language and sophisticated poetical express of words, but the tone and explicit form of the language is powered by the poet’s imagination and changes the prose-like statements to an emotional wave of simple words that attracts the interest of the reader. The 8th Day, 2015 Sadabadi Palace, 2017 If the Week was 8 days!, 2017 A Soldier with a Snowball, 2012 No.9 Haj Mokhtar Corridor, 2009 Red Mole Trout, 2014

Publisher Name:Shahrestan Adab

Address:No. 168, In front of Cinema Sahra, Dr. Shariati St., Tehran. Iran



ManagingDirector:Alimohammad Moaddab

Languages we correspond in: English
