Parsua Prairie (series)

Written by: Maryam Azizi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofogh
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
264 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The Series Parsua Prairie is indeed a new experience for readers, offered by a very capable author, who has created a land of her own. In this series, people, demons, landscapes, and narratives, entangled together by a series of unforeseen turn of events, are all one of a kind. Incidents and suspensions take place with surprising effects. There are no definite bad and good, but a spectrum of colours and adjectives. Loves and sufferings are laced in a narrative so vivid and influential that very soon the reader feels as though he has entered a world of his own, in which he must fight to survive and deal with ups and downs of the story. Brilliant characters, brand new atmosphere, and familiar yet unfamiliar legends and myths altogether create a unique experience of readership, which can be relatable to all cultures. Therefore, this series is truly a souvenir from contemporary Iranian literature for young adults from around the world.

Author About:

Maryam Azizi is an Iranian well-known author.

Publisher Name:Ofogh






Languages we correspond in: -
