Sociology of Ashoura Distortions

Written by: Dr. Seyyed Abdulhamid Ziaei
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Hezarehe Ghoghnoos
Category: Religion
Year: 2021
334 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

the book Sociology of Ashoura Written by Abdolhamid Ziaei In Islam, most of the religious distortions are attributed to the Ashoura event due to its attraction to all social strata. the book considers deviations of Ashoura narrations from its origin and fathoms their roots out sociologically. The book also introduces weak as well as credited works on the event of Ashura where Imam Hussein and his companions were slain by Yazid ibn-Moaviyeh corps.

Author About:

Dr. Seyyed Abdulhamid Ziaei was born in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari in 1975. He is a Ph.D. graduate student at the Sorbonne University in France. He is a poet and has a lot of works in the fields of comparative mysticism, analytic philosophy and Persian literature.

Publisher Name:Hezarehe Ghoghnoos

Address:f.1-no1-RAMSAR st. - ENGHELAB ST.-tehran-iran




Languages we correspond in: English
