Scorpions of the Ship Bambak (Novel)

Written by: Farhad Hassanzadeh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofogh
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2015
202 Pages,
ISBN: 978-964-369-594-1
All rights available

Book About:

Set in a southern part of Iran, by the Arvand River, the novel is narrated by its protagonist, Khaloo, who has some conversations with the author, too. He identifies himself with Huckleberry Finn. This Iranian Finn is experiencing two adventures at the same time: Keeping a suitcase filled with banned political books (during the beginning of the Islamic Revolution), and, falling in love right in the middle of the turmoil. He is a member of the Scorpio gang, all the others also belong to poor and marginal groups, living outside a big city. When Khaloo gets attracted to the daughter of a wealthy family, the author finds the opportunity for treating the clash between two separated and disparate classes through the innocent love of the two youngsters.

Author About:

Farhad Hassanzadeh(1962-Abadan), an Iranian well-known author and humorist started his professional career in the field of children and young adults book in 1989. He is the founder of the Iranian Association of writers for children and young adults. Hassanzadeh has pursued writing humor for children earnestly. He deals with concepts that are important for teenagers with focusing to portray their concerns. Due to what he experienced in his own life he tries to show the problems of war, such as migration, for children in his works. Farhad has penned more than one hundred books and most of them released by Iranian great publishers. Some of his books have been translated into other languages and published in various countries.

Publisher Name:Ofogh






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